Subject: Deskwriter setup
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/11/1995 08:35:30
About a week ago, I read on this group about somebody using a
deskwriter.  I spent the weekend trying to set mine up, to no avail.
Could someone please send me a printcap entry for a HP Deskwriter.  I
looked in my Deskwriter manual which said the baud was set to 57600
(hardwired serial), I tried setting the br=#57600 in my printcap
file, but got an illegal baud message when I tried lpc up lp.  Any
ideas.  I have local-talk connectors also, should I try to use them
instead of the serial cable?  Any help would be appreciated.

   Thanks a bunch

/                                       \ 
| J. Doug Brown |
| Software Engineer       (304) 367-8413 |
|                                        |
|   Strictly Business Computer Systems   |