Subject: Re: >(Ijust love Rommie ;-)????
To: The Great Mr. Kurtz <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/16/1995 12:51:13
> On Fri, 15 Dec 1995, Chris Mason wrote:
> > Also, does anyone know how I can find out what all these mysteriously named
> > chips in my PM7100 do (i.e DPath, AWACS, etc.)?
> Isn't AWACS a semi-experimental jet aircraft that does wide area radar 
> sweeps for military invasions?  Airborne Warning And Control System, I 
> believe....  Just wondering.  Oops.  That's AWACs, plural of AWAC, the 
> above.  Sorry.  I just looked it up in my 10 lb. dictionary

AFAIK, that's it. But I thought it has been in service for many years
(like 10 or 15), and it does theater-wide air traffic management. Such
as they'd hang out in Sudi Arabia and be directing fighters over all of
Iraq, or, before the German Re-Unification, during a war, they would
have hung out around the Rhine & directed fighters all over Germany.

Take care,
