From: Ken Nakata <kenn@remus.rutgers.edu>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/16/1995 16:48:57
> Under MacMiNT, there's a nice little utility called crlf that converts
> among mac (lf), unix (cr), and dos (crlf). I tried to do this under
> NetBSD and didn't get anywhere. Does such a program exist under NetBSD?
> If not, is there any chance the MacMiNT binary would work? Just a thought.
I believe you can use 'tr' or 'sed' to do the job.
Mac <-> UNIX:
tr '\r' '\n' <mac-text >unix-text
tr '\n' '\r' <unix-text >mac-text
tr -d '\r' <dos-text >unix-text
sed 's/$/^M/' <unix-text >dos-text ; # ^M being type as ^V^M
If these are too long to type each time, you can make them
either shell scripts or aliases.