Subject: Re: IIci users!
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Les van Kanten <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/17/1995 14:19:59
>I need a favor from all of you running IIci's under NetBSD.
>Several people with IIci's have reported vm_faults booting with kernels
>built in the last few months. I need some help from you to track it
>down. Please fill out the following info and send it back to me--whether
>you see the problem or not.
>Do you see this problem in your IIci?
Yes, I have this problem.
>How much RAM do you have? How much in bank A? B? What speed SIMMs?
8 total, 4 in bank A, 4 in bank B. I'm not sure how fast the simms are.
Could they be 80 ns? The chips say MCM411000J80.
>What NuBus cards do you have in the machine?
>What video are you using (internal/nubus/both)?
>Cache card?
Yes, and I have tried booting without it, no luck.
>Anything else that you think might be relevant? (Dates of
>working/non-working kernels/etc.)
NetBSD 1.1 (GENERIC) #47: WED NOV 22 19:17:19 PST 1995