Subject: Newbee
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kirk Boston (bs ifsm) <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/21/1995 21:39:21
Well let me introduce myself before I load my questions on you all...

I have been working in the computer field for 9 years 5 as a macintosh 
network specilist.  3 in army communications.  and 2 as a network 
installer...  I currently am doing all the internet work for a large 
school system.  So if you have any mac networking problems I may be able 
to help or at least willing to say duhh...

I have been working on UNIX for about 8 months but that has been mostly 
on SGI's and SUN's so I hope that will be enough to keep me from going 
bald to quickly

I found the netbsd about two days ago I then proceded to download all of 
the netbsd1.1 binary files (all 8 of them) I then took a 300 meg drive 
and put a new partition on it.  with 157 megs for the /root partition 24 
for the swap 4 megs for the mac os and 70 some for general use...

I then mkfs for the root, general use and the other small partition that 
was created, but not on the swap... 

Then I installed all 8 of the binaries.  

After that was finished I built the /dev file using the build command 
from menu...

That concluded my build...

I then installed sys 6.0.7 on the mac os partition and copied boot 1.8 
installer 1.0 and mkfs to the small mac os partition...

I restarted the mac and the mac os came up and I started boot 1.8 I then 
went in to options and set the scsi id to 5 and left everything else 
about the same....

upon booting It goes through some checks and after it checks for the 
video board I get an error and the cute message "your hosed"  Sorry I 
didn't write down the exact error but since I am at home I can't 
replicate it bt I will post it first thing tomorrow morning...

Oh yeait is installed on a ci with 12 megs of ram and a cache card and a 
focus ethernet card.  (i pulled the ethernet card and still was hosed) 
I will pull the cache card tomorrow morning and see if that helps any...

So if anyone has any suggestions based on what I posted I would 
appreciate It a lot...

Thanks for any input...

Kirk Boston....