Subject: testing netbsd1.1 on a PB520
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Kelm <kelm@physik.TU-Berlin.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/23/1995 15:14:55
Hi, after getting netbsd running on a IIci some time ago I tried to 
install it on a PowerBook 520 (160megs disk, 8megs ram, 68LC040)
This is what i got:

[ preserving 89324 bytes of symbol table ]
bootstrapping netbsd/mac68k
faked range to byte 0x800000.
bootstrapping the pmap systems.
pmap bootstrapped
panic: don't know how to relocate video!
stopped at _Debugger+0x6: unlink a6

Then - because of the adb driver I only can reboot the machine by 
pressing the reset key combination.

Any suugestions ???

Merry X-mas everyone

         --- beam me up Scotty, this planet sucks ---                      
                                                        Plan B
Peter Kelm (

Technical University Berlin
Physics Department