Subject: Re: LinuxPPC for PowerMac ??
To: None <>
From: Joel N. Weber II <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/17/1996 07:18:39
On Tue, 16 Jan 1996 wrote:

> Does anyone have an address for Apple (e-mail/snail mail) that the user
> community could use to try and perswade Apple to release this info.
> I _used_to_be_ a dedicated Apple user.  But Apple's refusal to provde
> the needed tech. info to groups such as Linux-PPC and MacBSD has driven
> me away.  Maybe if we (the user, rather than just a few developers)
> start a compain to Apple and let them know that their are _F@%KING_UP_
> it would help ( Nawwww  :).
You do realize Apple makes next to nothing on the hardware these days.  
The software is their profits.  So if you aren't using MacOS, they don't 
make money, so why should it bother them if you use someone else's hardware?

If they don't want to support us, let's spend our time working on other 
stuff rather than trying to persuade them.  RMS originally hoped computer 
companies would pay him to write emacs and gcc, but decided to write 
those programs rather than spend his time looking for support.

Joel N. Weber II  <>
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  -- John 3:16