Subject: Re: ethernet cards
To: None <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/17/1996 22:06:06
> Alan, I got fvwm working this weekend, however, I am running 1.1 (not
> current) on my P600 and have not noticed any keyboard problems yet.
> Question: do you have a working ethernet card and if so, who is the
> manufacturer/model number etc. I have an Asante MacCon-i NB-10T which does
> not work with any kernels.
What does not working look like for you. I have been trying to get an
ethernet card working for a while now, hve tried both Focus and 3Com, and
the kernel recognized the cards, ifconfig works on them, but trying to send
anything through the card hangs them.
I'm using the 1.1 Binaries, and Oct23 kernel (the last one that works with a
Mac II and Daystar Accelerator.