Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.1 Crashes during Boot.
To: Tank <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1996 03:24:04
>         I recently went through the NetBSD Install procedure, and
> appeared to be successful, however, the machine crashes during the
> boot.

> The system is a MacII w/8MB Ram & 240 MB Hard Drive.

> panic: You're hosed.

>      stopped at _Debugger+0x6:       unlk    a6
>      db> unexpected trap: vector offset 0x0 from 0x739c0000

Do you have a PMMU on the II?  NetBSD won't run without one on 68020
systems.  All 68030 (except the 68EC030 chip but I don't think there's
Macintosh with that chip) has a built-in PMMU, a subset of 68851 PMMU,
so you don't need a separate PMMU chip.
