Subject: Re: X probs
To: Jason Green <>
From: William Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/25/1996 13:40:40
> I installed X11R6 on my machine (the X.11Mar95.tgz from puma) today, and
> can't get the thing to work.  I've FTP'd Xmacbsd.950912 from puma and put
> that in /usr/X11R6/bin with the name "Xmacbsd", and still no avail :(
> I'm typing startx to get the show happening.  When I use the Xmacbsd that
> came with X.11Mar95, it misses a line and then freezes the machine.  I
> can't even press the debugger button!  When I use the Xmacbsd.950912, it
> freezes saying "panic: kernel jump to zero".
> I'm using NetBSD 1.1A GENERIC #50 on a IIci w/ 8MB RAM.  I'm trying to run
> X on the Internal Video.  Oh yeah, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc has got
> the line "#!/bin/sh" in it, and xserverrc has got:
> #!/bin/sh
> Xmacbsd
> Could someone please help me???

Are you starting X from the console, or are you trying to do it from 
within dt?  You do have to start it from the console, since dt will not 
relinquish the graphics port to X.

Also, you might just try typing:

prompt% xinit

and if that doesn't work

prompt% X

on the command-line, and see if the server will simply start without any 


Colin Wood                            
Consultant                                        Rice University
Information Technology Services                       Houston, TX