Subject: Re: X still won't boot :-(
To: Angel Orille-Franz <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/26/1996 15:32:23
> > Actually, I doubt about the problem with xterm.  I'd never seen anyone
> > complaining about the xterm that comes with the X.  In fact, it just
> > runs fine on my SE/30.
> Well, on my SE/30 that one hangs the machine.

I think it's something else hanging your SE/30... other than xterm.
What's in your .xinitrc, or system wide xinitrc?

Are you starting X with xinit or startx?  I believe it is the proper
way to fire up X, among using xdm.  Just calling the server is not.

Or, maybe, are the permission and ownership of /dev/tty* and /dev/pty*
correct?  How about /dev/grf* and /dev/adb?

You are not using dt (the virtual terminal stuff) when starting X, are
