Subject: Re: Printcap for 4/600PS
To: Mack Nagashima <mackn@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/01/1996 12:46:09
> 	I decided to try and print to my new postscript printer ..and 
> wondered if someone can help with the my printcap...
> 	I want to use gs and enscript (nenscript?) and would like it if 
> someone has a printcap file for a 4/600PS or any printcap that would work 
> for that printer.  I'm on a IIsi...  BTW...does it matter if i have 
> appletalk on when i boot NetBSD?

If it's truly a PostScript printer, then you don't need gs AFAIK,
unless it can bundle in needed fonts. I use it to turn ps into PCL
for my DeskWriter. Your printer should just gobble up the raw

If you look at the gs package on puma, you'll find my setup for getting
gs up & running (NB: there's a bug in the install instructions for gs;
you need to copy the lpr filter in by hand). You don't need gs, but
some of the printcap setup might be useful.

By AppleTalk, are you refering to LocalTalk? If so, then yes, you
need it off. We don't currently support LocalTalk. Oh, this is a
serial printer, no?

Take care,
