Subject: Re: I noticed that NetBSD 1.1....
To: Lutz Albers <>
From: Jell-O <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/02/1996 02:45:20
>- well as messages from the disk geometry of the ZIP informing me that
>- netbsd will use the ficticious(sp?) geometry. I will be upgrading the
>Iomega's SCSI implementation for the ZIP drives is rather screwed. I'm
>seeing this messages at my FreeBSD box as well. I'm not sure for NetBSD,
>but under FreeBSD you can ignore them, the drive just works fine.
> lutz
>(having installed NetBSD-1.1/mac successfully; now waiting for a 68882 for
>my IIsi :-(
Cool, I'm not the only one who got really frustrated with the ZIP disks.
Anyway, I finally figured out the secret to making a file system with a ZIP
disk using mkfs:
Use "512" as the magic number for any values that weren't automatically
detected and any values that you know are valid that mkfs needs to create a
file system on a ZIP disk (ex. tracks/cylnd = 512, Iomega doesn't tell you