Subject: Re: Help req'd with LC475
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Mark Gould <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/03/1996 23:35:09
>Ok, here is the standard checklist of things to look for:
>1) have all extensions turned off
>2) have 32-bit addressing on in the memory control panel and virtual
>memory off
Done all of above plus everything in FAQ.
>These are the most likely cause of the problem. I believe that you said
>you had an LC475, what kind of mac is this (i.e. is it basically a IIvx
>or an LCIII)?
System information gathered 3/2/96 at 11:31 pm
Machine Overview
Machine: Macintosh
Macintosh Name:
User Name:
System Version: 7.5
CPU Type: Motorola 68040 @ 25 MHz
FPU Type: no FPU present
MMU Type: 68040 built-in
Physical RAM Size: 8192 K
Logical RAM Size: 8175 K
Modern Memory Manager: off
Color QuickDraw=81: version 2.3
Virtual Memory: off
Addressing Mode: 32 bit
Disk (RAM) Cache: 512 K
AppleTalk Version: inactive
File Sharing: off
Built-in video (main screen): 640 X 480, 1 bit
Above sums it up.
Mark Gould
Phone +44 (0)973 822687
Mac:No longer Insanely Great but still Pretty Damn Good