Subject: Ack! Why won't it let me log in?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Milo Sharp <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/06/1996 01:59:04
I'm no Unix guru, as most of my experience with it has been from
the user end. Hence, my experiments with MacBSD are my method of
learning it from the administration end.
Now that I've swapped ethernet cards, I'm actually up on the net,
and can ftp and telnet out. Unfortunately, every time I try to log in
from a remote site, it tells me that that account (either of the two on
the system) is unable to log in from this computer, or some such error.
Anyone seen this? Can you tell me where I need to go to fix it? I spent
several hours trying to track it down, but there's no NetBSD machine
nearby that I can compare config files with, and I can't find the one I'm
looking for without a hint.
Also, my computer has locked up twice while trying to uncompress
files. Is this a known bug?
Milo (Michael) Sharp
"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."