Subject: MacBSD: pine-3.91 Question.
To: port NetBSD <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/06/1996 23:11:38
I've compiled the sources of pine-3.91 with gcc-2.7.2.
It compiled fine using build neb, but the annoying thing
is that each time I start pine, I get the
"Welcome to pine" text and it overwrites my .pinerc - settings.
The pine-debug* (*=times I start pine) file states:
reading_pinerc "/root/.pinerc"
Open failed: No such file or directory
Though .pinerc is there with -rw-r--r-- permissions, it is
not recognized; did someone else have this problem too
and has someone fixed it?
I would be very pleased and thankful in getting some help in solving this.
Angel Orille Franz