Subject: PPP and modem on Mac II
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul T. Mobbs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/08/1996 23:59:50
Some friends and I are trying to set up an ethernet network on our floor
of the dorm, and we'd like to allow people to access the internet through
(just for email) a mac-netbsd box.
I have been having trouble getting my modem working on 1.1 on my Mac II.
I have the distribution fully installed, and running fine. When I 'cu -p
/dev/tty00 -s 19200' all I get is device not found. I tried tip, same
thing. Then I tried doing a ppp/chat script and I got a ring overrun.
Under 1.0 I could cu just fine...
I have:
Mac II 5mb RAM/40mb swap
USR Sportster 14.4 on modem port
Was a how-to ever made for setting up ppp? What do I put in the
/etc/ppp/options file? I've gone through the past posts from the last
couple months and pieced together the chat/ppp commands, now I need to
know what to do with the /etc stuff. Like rc.local, hosts, so on.
Also, what do I need to do to make ppp connect automatically when I
request a network service. Soon I will add an ethernet card, and would
like to use my Mac II as a firewall/bridge for the other computers to
access the i-net through. I know others are doing this exact thing, any
help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
Paul Mobbs
UCSB Engineering My opinions! MINE! MINE!