Subject: Re: SCSI story
To: Ken Nakata <>
From: Jassen L. Bowman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/19/1996 14:58:53
> I'm mildly offended by this attitude. You didn't give us much
> information and "Go figure"? Gee, are you my boss? Don't forget
> NetBSD, just like FreeBSD or Linux, is a volunteer effort.
Sorry to butt in, but you reminded me of something. Is there any way I=20
can help the project, aside from testing, in a beneficial manner, even=20
though I know absolutely zero C/C++ and even less about the internal=20
workings of UNIX?
(o o)
Jassen L. Bowman *Finger me* =D2Reach low orbit, and you=D5re=
=20 *for more!* halfway to anywhere in the .oooO Oooo. Solar System.=D3 -Heinlein =20
(-:___________________________( )__( )__________________________:-)
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