Subject: Serial code in kernel
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Julian Bean <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/19/1996 20:56:15
Their appears to be a small problem with the function kgdb_put(?) in
mac68k/dev/ser.c at about line 1887.

The 'register int c' definition shadows a parameter 'c'.  Staring at the
code for a couple of minutes brought me to the conclusion that this code
had been lifted from kgdv_get, and the declaration of c (only c, not rr0)
should be commented out, which I did, and it now compiles. (I haven't tried
booting it yet - it is compiling other files).

This is a sys.tar.gz tarball downloaded on Feb 2.  Apologies if the problem
has been since fixed.


|  Jelibean aka  |           |  6 Evelyn Road      |
|  Jules aka     |                               |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   |(|  TW9 2TF    *UK*    |
|  The Other Place - n. (pop.) Depending on the affiliation of the     |
|  speaker, one of Oxford, Cambridge, The House of Lords, The House of |
|  Commons, Hell.  Draw your own conclusions.                          |