Subject: Device not configured
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Julian Bean <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/22/1996 08:24:52
As many of you will be bored to be reminded, I am trying to compile my own
kernels ;-)

Having convinced my self that I had got a messed up source tree, because my
sup's were failing, which was in turn because I had the old serial drivers,
I have got a new ADBTEST kernel (#91) with the new serial code, and
rebooted with it.

Bang.  It hangs when inspecting my ethernet card.  Surprise, surprise.
This is why I'm trying to build kernels in the first place.  So, I move all
the wires into my reserve LCIII without a card (What?  Don't you all have a
control machine with exactly the same amount of memory and configuration
except for the card? ;-) and boot (from the same BSD disk - I only have one
of those).  It boots fine...

Except, it cannot fsck /dev/sd1g (/home).  Device not configured.

Now, this doesn't really matter, as there is nothing required for sup or
kernel building on /home - but what has gone wrong?  And when I have my own
kernel, how should I fix it?

Is this to do with the new partition map reading code?  disklabel sd1 reports

disklabel:  warning, unused partition g: size 409600 offset 307296

Or is it a kernel config issue?



P.S. New serial code gives 1789 bytes/sec FTP over a 14.4K modem PPP link :-)
P.P.S. I just saw a fifo overrun ;-(

|  Jelibean aka  |           |  6 Evelyn Road      |
|  Jules aka     |                               |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   |(|  TW9 2TF    *UK*    |
|  The Other Place - n. (pop.) Depending on the affiliation of the     |
|  speaker, one of Oxford, Cambridge, The House of Lords, The House of |
|  Commons, Hell.  Draw your own conclusions.                          |