Subject: Re: NetBSD on a Classic II
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Foakes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/02/1996 09:57:53
Re booting the Classic II:
==> You can boot with a serial console ... I have a kernel that boots at
==> my home page. It is called "for.mays", probably also on puma.
==> see
Many, many thanks for this. I got much further than before.
Unfortunately, it didn't finish the boot process. If it's of any use to
anyone, the last bit of the output (including a little from db) is below.
If anyone wants to pursue this, I have the full transcsript, although there
isn't much of interest - there was a little disk cleaning up, but not much
Is this of any use? I am more than willing to experiment further to get
more information if anyone wants it!
==> Start console output <==
starting local daemons:.
Fri Mar 1 13:40:58 PST 1996
Mar 1 13:41:00 myname init: kernel security level changed from 0 to 1
panic: kernel jump to zero
Stopped at _Debugger+0x6: unlk a6
db> trace
_Debugger(15190,1318,972d64,0,972d80) + 6
_panic(1318,7d0c6,0,0,a) + 34
_grfiv_phys(36,0,772e00,972da0,1af66) + 12
_itestart(772e00,972e38,1b800,772e00,36) + 4e
_ttstart(772e00) + 14
_ttwrite(772e00,972f28,1,972e9c,31e0e) + 220
_itewrite(b00,972f28,1) + 26
_spec_write(972ed8,972eec,2cb80,972ed8,e8) + a2
_ufsspec_write(972ed8) + 28
_vn_write(795580,972f28,765880) + ca
_sys_write(799500,972f88,972f80) + a4
_syscall(4) + 13a
_trap0() + e
db> show registers
d0 0
d1 0x5c
d2 0x100
d3 0x4
d4 0
d5 0x972f28 _end+0x8a2b78
d6 0x36
d7 0x1
a0 0xa04002 _end+0x933c52
a1 0x197 _Lvl1DT+0x5
a2 0
a3 0
a4 0x772e40 _end+0x6a2a90
a5 0x4e0 _Lo3Bytes+0x1c6
a6 0x972d58 _end+0x8a29a8
ssp 0x972d44 _end+0x8a2994
usp 0xffffcd90
pc 0x77b1c _Debugger+0x8
sr 0x2000 _get_pte+0x20
_Debugger+0x8: rts