Subject: Re: PB 170 boot ... update
To: Brian Wimberly <>
From: Adam Forsyth <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/02/1996 10:06:41
> Someone suggested that it might be a good idea to try a more recent kernel
> (I'm using
> 1.1) as the serial parts might be better. Can anyone tell me where I could
> get an appropriate
> newer kernel binary for a powerbook 170?
Two potential solutions that workd for me with my 165. (Now that you
mention it, I do believe I remember that 1.1 crashed my PB165 no matter what)
Walter Reutten has a kernel that he's working on adb for with the
performa 550(I think) and the PB 180. It seems to work better for me.
There still is no adb, but it will boot.
It is at his ftp site:
I don't recall the rest of the address, but you should be able to find it
there. I'd get the newest of the kernels that are there.
Allen Briggs suggested that I try Generic-2 from puma.
Both of these kernels will let me boot into single user.
Neither of these kernels would let me boot into multi-user, so if you get
multi-user up, I'd be interested to hear about it.
0 Adam Forsyth 0 0
0 Luther College SPO 713 0 e-mail: 0
0 Decorah IA 52101 0 phone: (319) 387-2489 0
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