Subject: Re: MacBSD with SyQuest 270 removable
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Trevor Zion Bauknight <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/04/1996 13:41:09
>Is anyone successful to install MacBSD with SyQuest 270MB removable?
I recently installed to SyQuest 135M seems to work to a
point. Install was a success, single-user mode works fine, but I've only
seen the login: prompt once and it hung just after that. It hangs at
different points along the multi-user boot sequence. I have yet to find
that part in the FAQ about SyQuest drives, so I'm going to look for that.
Good luck!
BTW: I'm using Generic #52 kernel, 1.1 release binaries (etc11, etc) on a
IIvx with 12M RAM, FPU, 32-bit clean, 32-bit addressing on, 1-bit video,
yada yada yada.