Subject: IIci boot problem
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jorge Ivan Rodriguez <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/05/1996 10:36:00
I have problems going from single user to multiuser mode. I give it the
"control d" to switch over to muiltiuser. The machine hangs and displays
the following message:
"setting tty flags"
If I don't try to change into multiuser mode, I can use "login" and can
successfully login in as jorge (which is the account I have set up for
myself, while in single user mode). After that I seem to have a regular c
shell account. Is this another way to go into multiuser mode? Or what I
am doing?
I am booting from system 7.5.1 and with extensions off; my system is in one
bit mode;
My configuration is as follows:
Mac IIci
8 megs of ram
730 mg hardrive (partitioned with HDT 1.7.5 and has 3 partitions; one is
for apple software; 2nd is a 150 meg partition "A/UX Root&Usr" and the 3rd
is 18 meg "A/UX Swap."