Subject: French Keyboard and problem with cu
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/05/1996 22:38:47
I have a french Keyboard ( AZERTYUIOP) but NetBSD 1.1 is configured for an
American Keyboard (QWERTYUIOP). What can I do ?? However NetBSD runs very
well on my ][ci 8/500, (but I have to set the monitor to 1-bit mode, why ?? ).
I have tried to make a SLIP connection with my modem (on the modem port)
I have tried the command
cu -l /dev/tty00 -s 19200
But I have no echo, and there is nothing send to the modem port.
(I have put a Pwb145 on the modem port with a null-modem cable to check this )
What can I do dial with my modem ( Olitec 14.4 )