Subject: Re: ADB interface - MacLinux
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Josh Moyer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/06/1996 01:42:01
>Also, Apple is not helping get Linux ported to the PowerPC. They are helping
>the Mach microkernel get ported to the PowerMac, and they are helping
>Linux get ported to the microkernel.
>The difference, besides semantics, is that I have heard that someone has
>already ported NetBSD to the microkernel, so once the microkernel gets
>released, we should be able to have NetBSD running on a PowerMac quickly.
Wouldn't that make it MachBSD? Isn't that kind of contradictory? ;-) (It's
all semantics, you know :-)
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