Subject: Re: HOWTOs and more exposure for MacBSD
To: Brian Wimberly <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/06/1996 18:29:13
> As someone who's familiar with Linux (I've been running Linux on my 486 for
> about a year), and who is new to NetBSD/Mac68k, I would agree with Russ.
> Despite my very strong interest in MacBSD, and despite my efforts at
> finding information on the websites, my experience so far has been that
> it is either difficult or impossible to find much information
Please work on it, or work on coordinating info that's helpful to you as
a new user. I think it's a common misconception that you need to know
everything in order to write about something... ;-) You and russ are
in the perfect position for knowing what kinds of documentation we need
to get people up and running.
I'm completely clueless about Linux and what they have, but I do know
that they are (or seem to be, which is what matters) much more friendly
to new users than NetBSD.
> One way to get more exposure for NetBSD/Mac68k would be to get a mention
> in some of the Linux web docs.
That's not a bad idea--especially in the Linux/m68k pages as they might
get some questions about Linux on the mac.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
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