Subject: Re: Help NSF and cdrom
To: Christopher R. Bowman <>
From: Lutz Albers <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/07/1996 12:15:48
Christopher R. Bowman wrote on 6.3.1996
Help NSF and cdrom
- I have a FreeBSD cdrom that I want to use to bootstrap a pentium, and the
- way I wanted to do it was by slapping my cdrom drive into my IIci, and have
- netbsd NFS export the cdrom drive. Well so much for the theory! I created
- the nfs exported files from the netbsd machine, but not the /cdrom files.
- What gives? it seems that NFS will only let me export files on the root
- partition. How can I export this cdrom?
you have fallen victim to a common misunderstanding regarding NFS exports:
NFS only exports single filesystems (or parts of them). So what you're
telling NFS is to export your mount point (/cdrom).
If you want to install FreeBSD then create a user called cdrom, give it
the home directory /cdrom, a valid shell (IMPORTANT !) and do a ftp install
from FreeBSD.
Lutz Albers | What's good ?
Luederitzstr. 14, 81929-Muenchen, Germany | Life's good - ph: +49-89-93940364 | But not fair at all fax:+49-89-93940365 | (Lou Reed)
Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive.