Subject: Re: xntpd writing to pram, not?
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/08/1996 15:42:23
>> After getting xntpd running, I think, I have started to notice that it is
>> sending messages to the console that read something like netbsd does not
>> trust itself to write to pram ...
>That's a mac68k-specific problem. The mac clock is not keeping up with
>the flow of real time (in Apple's infinite wisdom, they put the clock
>tick on the lowest priority interrupt), so I've disabled the ability to
>set the time-of-day clock in the PRAM. That message is just there to
>let you know that it's not writing to the PRAM. I'd like to figure out
>a way to let it update the PRAM when it's set from some reliable source,
>but not on shutdown. I've not looked into that, yet.
Just what you want, a programming suggestion from a non programmer, but how
about if we put ntp support in the kernel and build the routines for
writing the time to PRAM into ntp rather than into the kernel generally?
This way only a reliable source would change the clock?
The clock is so inaccurate under netbsd anyway that I can't imagine anyone
complaining about the reliability of the source if it was even remotely
related to real time...
>The problem was that for machines that aren't using ntp, the clock
>would fall behind and then get updated on reboot to the MacOS so
>that the MacOS time would be way wrong.
> Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
> Where does all my time go? <a href="">Guess.</a>
Stephen B. "Brad" Salai
Cumpston & Shaw Office (716) 325-5553
Two State Street Fax (716) 262-3906
Rochester, NY 14614 Home (716) 377-4624