Subject: Re: NetBSD support on Quadra platform...
To: Brian McColgan <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/11/1996 19:49:33
> This note directed specificaly at Mr. Briggs:
I'm not Allen, but I'll answer the questions which I can.
> my lowly Quadra-605. I visited the NetBSD/mac68K FAQ page to
> determine whether the Quadra-605 is supported but was unable to find
> a direct reference to this hardware.
Hey, if your Q605 is lowly, what's my SE/30? B-) The answer is
"probably not". Various things are implemented quite differently on
Quadras from on the ones we already support. Work is "in progress".
> In addition, I have been considering installing a DayStay Dig.,
> PowerCard 601/100 Upgrade into the box along with a 32Mb SIMM (to
> bring it up to 36Mb). Looking in section 3, there is only
> references to DayStar's m68k based accelerator's.
As its name NetBSD/mac68k implies, it'll never run on PowerPC chips.
PowerPC versions will be separate ports of NetBSD from the mac68k
> 1. Can I run NetBSD on this machine?
> 2. Would I be advised (or ill-advised) to upgrade to the DayStar h/w?
See above.
> 3. Does this environment directly support the GNU C/C++ compilers?
Provided that NetBSD runs on your hardware, it is our standard
compiler therefore supported (I'm not sure what you mean by
"directly", though).