Subject: Re: Sources for GENERIC #5
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Bowers <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/14/1996 04:07:58
>Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 04:06:59 +0000
> (Bill Studenmund)
> (Steve Bowers)
>Subject:Re: Sources for GENERIC #5
>>> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated as also I want to patch in the
>>> changes to let me disklabel my zip drive.
>>A lot of people have been asking for this recently, and I must admit I'm
>>a bit puzzled as to why we need our own disklabels.
>>Since MacOS partitioners can make the partitions we need, what do we gain?
>>We don't get rid of the "ficticious geometry" messages as they come
>>from a part of the code which is asking the drive itself for the
>>geometry, not looking in the disklabel on disk.
>>I guess part of my grumbling about this is that, IMHO, what NetBSD
>>needs is a mechanism to support multiple disklabel formats. We support
>>multiple file system types, and lots of drives, but each machine only
>>supports one type of disklabel (AFAIK). So to add native disklabels
>>RIGHT(tm), we need a way to deal w/ multiple disklabel formats.
>>Afterall, why couldn't we just write MacOS partition maps?
>The problen is, at least in my case, that I cannont get my partitioning
>software to put an AUX partiton on a zip cartridge. Therefore I cannot
>mkfs or newfs a file system on there which renders it kinda useless. I
>guess ineed to find a new partitioner. btw I'm using Spot On! to partition
>my drives.