, Mac68k Port <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ken Nakata <kenn@eden.rutgers.edu>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/14/1996 09:17:09
> I keep hearing/reading that there exists a kernel binary for macs without
> an fpu. Can someone please send an exact URL for it?
All current kernels distributed by Allen Briggs, Steve Allen and John
Wittkoski probably have FPE (floating point emulation software) built
into them (unless they explicitly excluded "options FPE" line from
their kernel config files).
> Also, if anyone is
> using netbsd on a non-fpu mac (especially classic II), could they let me
> know what kinds of major problems I can expect to run into...generally
> speaking? My system is a Mac Classic II (68030, 4 M RAM/80 M HD: 40 M
> partitioned for BSD).
I think you'll need John's ADBTEST kernel. You can get the rest from
puma or ftp.eskimo.com.