Subject: 2 questions Ether&VRAM
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Runs With the Night Hawks... <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/14/1996 18:52:00
Hi all, I got 2 questions. I'll start with Machine Specs:
Mac Performa 600
12M Ram
Root on sd4, Seagate 1G drive (31200N?)
Internal Video
Excelan EtherPort IIn Enet card
First question is on VRAM: The IIVX/Performa 600 kernel is hard coded to
set the VRAM size to 1M. Well I dont have 1M. What do I need to change inthe
kernel sources to force it to 512K? I think this might clear up a few problems
I've been having with X crashing the box when I exit. Is it just the maxm
Second. The Ethernet card reports the following at boot:
We think we are a Dayna card, but it is dangerous to continue.
nubus0: slot e: EtherPort IIN (Vendor: Kinetics, A Division of Excelan, Inc.,
part: ???) not configured
Whats the deal with this card? It has the 8920 (I think, I checked when I had
the box open) chip on it, not the sonic, but doesn't want to work. Anyone
got anyideas on this card and what might make it work?
I can compile my own kernels (do all the time) so diffs are fine.
Thanx all.
Alan Palmer