Subject: Re: Dayster test kernel
To: Tank <>
From: Brad Salai <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/19/1996 06:33:43
I'm pretty certain that the fpu is an option on the Daystar, You can't count on it being present.
> >>>> There is now a daystar test kernel here:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Let me know how it works...
> >>
> >>I tried to run this kernel on a MacII w/Daystar 40MHz. Accellerator, but
> >>can't get a boot in either Multi or Single user mode.... On both it stops
> >>after the
> >>message:
> >>
> >> Enabling Daystar External Cache...
> >>
> >>Any thoughts?
> >>
> >>
> >Not to be insulting, at least not on purpose, but does the daystar have an fpu?
> Not insulted at all, as I can't tell you yes for sure... I've always
> assumed it did, as all the posts said NetBSD was not running on non-fpu
> Macs... Also, in the Daystar control panel, the FPU switch is shaded, and
> in the ON position....
> -S
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Tank (SPM) Sean P. McNamara
> The Planet Group, Inc.
> Tank@PG.NET Design, Communications, and Technology
> Voice: (312) 772-8333
> Fax: (312) 772-9214