Subject: tty above 57600??
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: noud de brouwer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/20/1996 11:41:26
Recently i enlarged the ring buffer i use,
this gives a speed improvement from 3.1k/s to 3.4-3.9k/s throughput.
I tryed to get the tty on 76800, just to see if modemcompressiond counts
(resoning a 19k2 modem does a better compresion on 76k8 then 57k4), but
the tty comes back being 57k6 not 76k8.
2 questions, what's the place to remove the 57k6 boundry??
and.. it 'feels' like there is a 38k4 boundry as well, not in settings but
in max. throughput from something comming from the serial port disregarding
speeds above, is that so and where can i find that boundry??