Subject: Re: HD questions
To: jblancha <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/20/1996 18:12:30
> and I plan to buy a small HardDisk for netBSD (365 or 500 Mb)
> So my question is
> Is there problem with some sort of hard-disk (problem with 
> Fujitsu,Quantum,Conner,....)

As long as you make sure your drive is manufactured "recently" (i.e.
in the last couple of years or so), there should be no problem.
Some people have reported troubles with their ancient 20M, 40M drives,
or more exotic drives like Zip and some such.

I myself hook two 1G drives (one Fujitsu M2964ESA and one Quantum FireBall
1080S) up to my SE/30 with no problem.  I just hooked up a Quantum 800+M
drive (er.. forgot the code name) to my IIsi, but I haven't got to install
NetBSD on it.  I'm not worried at all, though.
