Subject: Q: Does screend kernel exist?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tank <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/20/1996 16:49:30
Hi All-
I would really like to run screend on my NetBSD system, but was a
little surprised at the complete installation process for it.
The INSTALL file states that I must first modify and rebuild the kernel
(whose sources I do not currently have), then configure and compile the
screend daemon.
Has anyone already gone through this procedure?
My System is: Mac II w/16MB
Daystar Accelerator
2 Asant=E9 MacConi NuBus Ethernet Cards
Apple Video Card
The reason I want to run screend is that we have a local network connecting
to our network in order to get Internet connectivity. They are coming in
via ether, so unless we physically separate them via a screening router,
they appear as essentially a node on our LAN (we DO NOT want this)...
screend seemed like a very good solution...
If anyone has already done this, I would appreciate any assistance they
might be able to offer....
Tank (SPM) Sean P. McNamara
The Planet Group, Inc.
Tank@PG.NET Design, Communications, and Technology
Voice: (312) 772-8333
Fax: (312) 772-9214