Subject: Re: tty above 57600??
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: noud de brouwer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/21/1996 15:54:21
>On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, noud de brouwer wrote:
>> Recently i enlarged the ring buffer i use,
>> this gives a speed improvement from 3.1k/s to 3.4-3.9k/s throughput.
>I'm using 57.6 Kb/s over a null-modem cable a ppp link to my Linux-Box and
>there I get between 5 KB/s and 6 KB/s (never below 5KB/s).
Yes, on the machine doing ppp i get +/-5k/s too.
But..that one is the gateway for the rest of the machines, done by ether.
Now when i'm on one of the other machines (not the gateway) the total
'throughput' of the 'signal' drops to 3.1k/s, that is 3.6k/s nowadays.
(yes i know..the machine is very bussy)
But when i do a transfer from the net to the gateway &
a transfer from the gateway to another local machine..
at the same time, that last transfer over ether still has >25k/s and the
serial connections something around 5k/s.
So where does it's time go??
>Try Generic#5 from puma, that's the kernel I'm using with my SE/30.
will (but that one doesn't have the larger ring buffer, is it??),