Subject: Re: Puny Mac II has FPU, 68851 MMU, but still won't boot
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tank <Tank@PG.NET>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/22/1996 10:15:15
>Well, I got a Motorolla 68851 MMU chip for the Mac II I've been
>working with. It still boots MacOS, but still won't run MacBSD.
>Previously it had gone into an infinite loop due to a trap.
>Now it just gets to "Screen memory at ..." and then just stops.
>Any suggestions? I've turned on the "extra debugging information"
>in the boot options (thats how I got the screen memory info).
>Dave W
What kind of video card are you using? I had problems with a PCPC video
card, and ended up switching to an old Apple video card in order to boot...
My understanding is that the problems are a result of interrupts not being
handled properly.
Tank (SPM) Sean P. McNamara
The Planet Group, Inc.
Tank@PG.NET Design, Communications, and Technology
Voice: (312) 772-8333
Fax: (312) 772-9214