Subject: Re: removed [ file
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Kirk Boston (bs ifsm) <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/25/1996 07:40:53
On Sat, 23 Mar 1996, Allen Briggs wrote:
> > Hey all while cleaning up my root directory I removed a file in root
> > called "[" all was well until I restarted and then I got all kinds of
> > good errors once the network processes started up.
> In root? There should be one in /bin. It's the same thing as the
> 'test' program. Shell scripts use it all over the place:
> if [ -x /sbin/mydaemon ] ; then
> /sbin/mydaemon
> fi
> ... and so on...
> > is there a way to get this file back or will I have to do a complete
> > rebuild of the box...
> cd /bin
> ln test \[
> -allen
> --
> Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
> Where does all my time go? <a href="">Guess.</a>
Thanks a lot Allen, Ken Whang, and Dave Huang for the answer to my problem.
The macbsd is up and working again...
Kirk Boston, RCDD
Systems Admin/JOAT at Prince Georges County Public Schools...
MY OPINIONS mine. mine. mine.
It's not the fall that kills you it's the sudden stop at the end...
The early worm has a death wish...