Subject: XServer sources and color support
To: None <>
From: Peter Kelm <kelm@physik.TU-Berlin.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/26/1996 12:01:42
I am writing this directly to you because Xmacbsd-960127 on puma seems to 
be from you:
Are there any non-XConsortium patches needed to build a NetBSD X-Server? 
I got xc-1 to 3 from our and want to start building X on my 
own in a few days. I think that the NetBSD X-Server is based on a server 
included in the X core distribution. But there HAVE to be patches - right?

Another thing: Do you know what is keeping color apart? If it is changing 
CLUT entries - what aboutdirect devices (16bpp or 32bpp)? There you would 
not need to mess around with CLUTs. Is there someone working on color 
support right now? What to do to get ahead?

Bye                          Peter

         --- beam me up Scotty, this planet sucks ---                      
                                                        Plan B
Peter Kelm (

Technical University Berlin
Physics Department