Subject: Re: HD questions
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Brennan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/27/1996 21:04:09
On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, Ken Nakata wrote:

> As long as you make sure your drive is manufactured "recently" (i.e.
> in the last couple of years or so), there should be no problem.
> Some people have reported troubles with their ancient 20M, 40M drives,
> or more exotic drives like Zip and some such.
> I myself hook two 1G drives (one Fujitsu M2964ESA and one Quantum FireBall
> 1080S) up to my SE/30 with no problem.  I just hooked up a Quantum 800+M
> drive (er.. forgot the code name) to my IIsi, but I haven't got to install
> NetBSD on it.  I'm not worried at all, though.
   Sorry I'm replying to an older note, but I have been piddling around 
   with some spare drives here to no avail.  Mostly on IIsi's, the drives
   in question include:

      an 85Mb Conner (which was already config'd & working in a SE/30)
      a 250Mb Quantum (SCSI2, original drive removed from a PowerMac)
      a 720Mb IBM (SCSI2 - who makes IBM's drives??)

   The Quantum (geek tested, Apple approved) gave me sad Macs in any of
   the boxes I've tried it in - but the drive is fine (previously used
   in my Linux box at work).  The 720 is was replaced the PowerMac's 250
   and also was fine in other machines.

   I've tried a few different kernels, but also no change in results.

   I'm suspecting something about SCSI2 and IIsi's, but that doesn't do
   anything for the _working_ 85Mb disk ... or the 40Mb Conners that we
   have lying around (yeah, I tried squeezing a minimal install in 40Mb)
   My last batch of drives to try include some full-height 760Mb Maxtors
   from 1990 or so - scary heavy metal, definitely SCSI1.  :^)

   andrew.  (