Subject: Re: Tk kills X server
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Taras Ivanenko <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/28/1996 12:45:03
> > I was installing Tk 4.0 on my Mac IIcx + Netbsd-1.1 + Generic-5 kernel
> > + X.11Mar95 distribution + Xmacbsd-960127. The whole package compiled
> > with only minor warnings. When I tried to run the tests, X server died
> > on segmentation violation. I checked with gdb, the error occured in
> > miPolyFillRect (I am not sure about spelling) function, called from
> *Ouch* I think Tk 4.0 tests ran mostly, if not entirely, fine on my
> system.
> Only difference aside from the kernel and NetBSD binaries is that I
> have recompiled entire X tree and reinstalled everything. I didn't
> change the source except the X server, so I made only the server
> available to the general public. Maybe it's about time to package
> everything...
I should partially apologize: my problem was not entirely your
fault. I came today to my office and rerun the same tests on a few
different machines. In particular, I run it on Sun + NetBSD 1.1 with
the same effect as before on Mac. X server dies in the same sad
routine miPolyFillRect(). I tried different window managers (fvwm and
twm) and also run the tests remotely from DEC Alpha OSF1 with display
on SUN/NetBSD. So the problem is somewhere deeper than Mac
port. Anyway, it would be nice to have it fixed.
> I'll see if I can reproduce the problem, and if not, I'll make the
> source diffs available first, then the new binary package next (easy
> thing first ;-).
> BTW, the source diffs will be only for those who know what they are
> doing, and no question will be answered. Sorry, but I have to keep
> incoming mails manageable.
> ken
Are you going to make source diffs publicly available or send them out
on request? If the latter, could you (or Allen?) send me the diffs and
the pointer to base sources? (no more questions asked).