Subject: Re: New ADBTEST kernel
To: John D. Smerdon <>
From: Space Case <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/30/1996 17:06:40
On Mar 30,  4:18pm, John D. Smerdon wrote:
>As for the ethernet, if it is easier to get an Asante Nubus card working
>than the inbuilt ethernet, I will buy the card.

I had an Apple EtherTalk NB almost working in my C610, just the interrupt
handling needs to be fixed.  I actually had a partition mounted off my
Mac II, but every packet timed out because of no interrupt handling...


Steven R. Allen -

Faith is the quality that enables you to eat blackberry jam on a picnic
without looking to see whether the seeds move.

Some pitiful cretin complained to my management about the contents of my .sig.
Fine.  It got censored.  What really burns me is that they didn't have the
guts to contact me directly but went crawling to my management.  But the 'Net
treats censorship as damage and routes around it.  So here in all its glory
is the material that got cut from that .sig.  Censor *this*, slime!

Dear Earthling: Hello! I am a creature from a galaxy far away, vacationing
on your planet. I have transformed myself into this little .sig . As you are
reading it, I am having sex with your eyeballs. I know you like it, because
you are smiling. Thanks for a wonderful time.

Sattinger's Law:
	It works better if you plug it in.