Subject: Re: ethernet card problem
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Phillips <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/18/1996 08:24:56
I wrote earlier about the troubles I was having with an Asante ethernet 
card and a Mac IIvx.  I tried two different ethernet cards and two 
different vx computers and I never could get MacBSD to boot.  It would 
always hang after sensing the ethernet card in the nubus slot.  I don't 
thinkg the vx works with ethernet.

So I switched to a ci and it worked!  Now I can boot up and login as 

New problem - the machine hangs at least once or during an 8 hour 
period.  It hasn't hung up while I was actually doing anything, but 
rather just while sitting there.  Once the vi editor was up, but not 
doing anything.  Another couple of times it was sitting at the shell 
prompt, and another couple of times it was sitting at the login prompt.  
I come back to do some work and the keyboard will not take any input.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Mac IIci -- 5 meg (I know - needs more memory)
540 meg SCSI hard drive on SCSI (1) with one unix partition
Using the MacBSD binaries from March 19

Thanks for your help.
Paul Phillips