Subject: Re:
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ethan Gold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/18/1996 19:52:08
>> The kernel compiling FAQ indicates that is to be used
>> to configure new kernels. where is it sure isn't on my
>> system, but config is. is it supposed to be seperate?
>> 	-Ethan

> became config several months ago, so use config.  The old 
>config went away.

great! now why does it give me this when I try to config for
one of the built in configs?
../../../conf/files:309: syntax error
for every non commented (I think) line in the above file?
I'm running entirely 1.1 as far as I know and I just got the kernel
sources last night and the dates are all very recent.
thanks again.
