Subject: Still odd nfs
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/29/1996 10:54:20
I'm sorry since I think this probably belongs on a port-nonspecific list, but
Now that I am running kernel NFS (the newest from mr. wittowski) and binaries
from something like apr 18th, I still ahve toruble with nfs.
If I give a command like:
# mount -t nfs remote:/proj1 /mnt
It's fine, but I cget huge permission denied erros on /mnt running
as any user. I can run ls / and it will lsit file but say
/mnt: Permission denied.
On some linux systems, it willt ell me that it has a stale NFS file handle. I
trying to put together things like amd in a cluster stiuation and I would nfs
to work.
Does anyone ahve nay ideas/
Gene Skonicki - - Of course I'm sane, the voices tell me so.