Subject: Re: '030 Macs for sale
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/15/1996 18:58:00
>> >From what I remember, they had a couple of original Mac II's, IIx, IIcx,
>> SE/030, a Classic, an LC, an LCIII, a PB 145, and 230. These systems
>> varied in ram, and HD's. They also had a 660av, and a Quadra 610 (but
>> obviously, these wouldn't work very well for NetBSD).
>Neither would the original LC, yet, I don't think. More to come, I'm
>I might or might not be interested, not sure. Plus, I know some people
>who _might_ be interested. I'd love to have a complete price list. That
>would be helpful, if you have one or can get one.
I have more information for everyone interested. I didn't want to be
accused of spamming, but I do realize that there are potentially many
people looking for a viable system.
(Is the 68020 supported?)
Mac LC $500 6/40 includes 12" color Monitor, Apple std Keyboard, mouse
and boxes
Mac II $175 5/40 includes only the mouse.
SE/30 $400 8/40 Apple std keyboard, mouse, manuals, disks. Monitor has
burn in.
Mac LC $400 6/40 includes 12" monitor, Apple Std keyboard, mouse.
LC III $500 8/80 14" Apple Color, ext Apple keyboard/mouse
IIsi $250 9/40 mouse, mic, manuals/disks. No keyboard, or monitor
LC III $500 4/80 Apple std kb, mouse 14" monitor, manuals, boxes
II cx $500 8/80 Interex KB and 2 button mouse, Apple Mono Portrait.
270c $1425 4/240. Includes case, external 1.44 floppy, and possibly an
extra powersupply.
Classic II $375 4/115 Ext Keyboard/ optical mouse.
IIsi $700 5/100 Radius 16" Pivot, Mac Pro Plus Keyboard, mouse, mic.
Won't separate
Mac IIx $400 8/80 Mono Monitor W/ intertex keyboard and 2 button mouse.
Mac II $300 (?) same as above, only '020.
IIsi $200 5/40 Box only.
I am posting this for a friend, this is all I know about these systems.
Their phone number is 317.293.5454.
Hope this helps.
Bob Fuller