Subject: PowerBook 160s
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/19/1996 16:20:32
Hi all,

I've been waiting for a while, and I've still yet to see anyone make any
mention of the PB160 on this list.  I've noticed that a few people have
gotten MacBSD running on their PB180s or 170s (which I think was actually
a 140 upgraded to a 170).  Also, people seem to be getting PB520s working
with out serial booting!

I have tried unsuccessfully many times to get the available kernels to boot
on my 160, but I never even get out of the booter.  It just hangs after
printing out all the environment variables.

So, my questions are:

1) Is it possible to run any avaiable kernel on the 160 (with a serial boot
or otherwise?)

2) If it is possible, why can't I seem to make it work?

3) Is there a way to test kernels from the Mac partition w/o downloading
the whole distribution or setting up an AUX partition (if none of the kernels
will even work, I don't want to go through the trouble of doing this)?

4) If it is not already possible, is any one working on kernel support for the
100 series PBs (even those w/o FPU)?  What about native ADB so it wouldn't
need the serial boot?

5) This is a non-sequitor, but I've wondered for a long time; what are "sups?"
(Obviously, I'm not an old school BSD hack but everyone always talks about
everything being "supped" from this or that site).  I assume it stands for
suppliments or something like that, but is there a more complete definition
that I'm missing?

Anyway, I appreciate everyone taking the time out to read this, and if anyone
can tell me how to get this running on the 160 I will be eternally grateful.

Thanks again,
