Subject: None
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Clint Sharp <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/20/1996 18:20:45
Whats the status of a lc040 port of MacBSD? I heard a rumor that MacBSD 
1.2 was fixing to be released with support for 040 and lc040 machines...  
I dont know the validity of this rumor so I'm writing here.

I have a Performa 638 CDV and I'm killing for a UNIX for it.  I dont have 
the money to upgrade to a Power Mac or to get a PC, and I'm dieing for a 
UNIX.  I'm quite experienced with UNIX, and I want some form of UNIX on a 
local box to play with w/o having to be on the net.


Clint Sharp
Author of ipage (
Co-Admin of IRC server Coccyx@IRC.,,